When you are using WordPress, it arrives that you need to delete a specific table from your database. For example, to completely delete Yoast plugin traces (after uninstalling it via FTP), you will need to delete some tables such as “yoast_indexable”, “yoast_indexable_hierarchy”, “yoast_migrations”, etc. As it is reported here.
(Make sure to back up your database before deleting anything! In case something went wrong, you can restore it. It is better to be safe than sorry!)
To delete a specific table, follow these steps:
1 – Install the Advanced Database Cleaner Plugin (free plugin).
2 – Go to the “Tables” tab of the plugin.
3 – Search for the tables you want to delete among the list of the tables, then select them.
2- In “Bulk actions”, select “Delete” then click “Apply”. The tables will then be deleted.
If you have hundreds of tables and you cannot manually find those you want to delete, you can use the pro version of the advanced database cleaner plugin to search for specific tables based on their names. To search for specific tables, follow these steps:
1 – Install the pro version of the advanced database cleaner plugin
2 – Go to the “Tables” tab
3 – Type the word you want to search for in the “Search for” text box, then click “Filter”
4 – Select the tables you want to delete from the results, then select “Delete” in “Bulk actions” and click Apply.
Hi, do you plan to update the pro version ?
It would be great to delete post types unused by unistalled plugins.
Hi ’10gital’,
Yes, there will be new features for the pro version very soon.
I have marked you suggested on my TODO list, I will see if it is possible to be added as a new feature.
I have a huge wpne_postmeta. Can I empty the rows of this table? are they necessary? I have the PRO version of your product.
My biggest table is wpne_wffilemods. Again the same question. Is this data essential or can I clear the rows?
The plugin can identify some orphaned items in your “postmeta” table, you can clean them. However, you should not empty all the rows, this may break your website.
For the table “wpne_wffilemods”, please have a look at this discussion: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/too-heavy-database
Hi, often I have for Example Elementor Tables witch are not right Auto-detect from your plugin.
Did you think to implement a global Sync / learning API, where users can change the relation between tables and plugin / options – so every user have a really useable feature?
Thank you
Hi Chris,
Indeed, I’m working on it right now! I think it will be available in about two months.
For now, you can only correct “belongs to” information locally. To do this, select the option/table you want to correct, then under “bulk actions” select “Edit categorization”, you can then be able to select the correct plugin/theme name.
Thank you,